What We Do
Open Line helps organizations change the conversation to bridge difference, open up dialogue, and build cultures of inclusion. We specialize in high-impact training that drives change.
Our work is focused on two separate but intersecting areas of expertise:
Our Experience
Open Line has experience in a range of sectors, including financial services, retail, real estate, technology, government bodies, and non-profits.
It’s our breadth of experience that allows us to inform work in one sector from lessons learned in another.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
We help organizations adopt a systematic and business-led approach to EDI. Through immersive learning experiences, we help managers and executives take steps to strengthen their inclusive-leadership capabilities.
Effective Communication and Interpersonal Competencies
We provide consultancy and training on all aspects of professional communication. Through a suite of skills development programs designed for a range of work contexts, we hone our clients’ ability to convey ideas and share feelings credibly and authentically.
All our training programs are dynamic and experiential. We use a competency-based approach to move participants from theoretical awareness to behavioural change. Our focus on practical learning and post-program support ensures that new skills are sustained beyond the classroom.
Our Clients Include: